In Hogsback I met a girl named Zooey. She and I had an interesting conversation concerning the nature of everything. As best as I can recall, it happened something like this:
Zooey: So, did the faeries bring you here?
Me: Faeries? No, this backpacker was recommended to us by some friends.
M: Wait, do you believe in faeries?
Z: Yes, I believe in all kinds of things: faeries, elves, spirits...
M: How do you know that they're real?
Z: Haven't you ever had something happen that you couldn't explain? That's the faeries.
M: I've always called that God.
Z: But God can't pay attention to every little detail. That's why he uses faeries.
M: But God can and does pay attention to every little detail. He can do anything and everything.
M: What else do faeries do?
Z: Lots. They give you hunches and nudges. They are responsible for intuition.
Z: Say, since you're a Christian, do you believe in angels?
M: No.
Z: But the Bible talks about them.
M: I don't believe in the idea of specific guardian angels or patron saints. My understanding is that they are just there to praise God as He deserves.
-conversation about topics including: Horoscopes, spirit guides, specific roles of specific elves, politics and more-
M: So, you believe in Heaven, but not Hell. How does that work?
Z: Well, you can't go to Hell if you're just reincarnated.
M: How do you keep track of all of this?
Z: I can tell you don't believe me, but you seem to be quite open minded. Thank you.
M: Well, it seems that I have one concept that I've put all of these functions into. You, on the other hand, have individuals who perform each task. It's almost like God just keeps everyone on the same page.
Z: It's a lot like that.
M: But, reincarnation is something that I can't swallow.
Z: Why not? Do you think that God is so cruel that he only gives you one shot at life?
M: I think of it as this: God lets us try and try and we fail. We will fail every time at everything. The idea being that God wants us to realize that we only fail if we don't rely on Him. Once we do that our lives get better and then when we die we get to go to the eternal party. If we don't learn the lesson, we go to Hell.
M: At what point does the reincarnation end?
Z: How do you mean?
M: Is the goal to be more God-like each time? or what?
Z: No, the idea is to perfect each relationship. You get to try over and over to make each one as good as possible and to take it as far as possible. Once you've done that you go to Heaven.
M: So, you're saying that it's the human interaction that we should focus on instead of the "do right, do good" mentality?
Z: Exactly.
M: Then, Zooey, I must ask you.
Z: Go on.
M: Have we met before?
Z: I don't think so. This feels new.
M: Your idea is so exciting. There's no need to be upset at death or separation. You'll get another chance if there's anything that is left undone.
Z: Yes.
M: I mean, we could be married one day. We could be brother and sister. We could be mother and son or father and daughter.
Z: That's the hard part. It's not that you'll marry everyone you meet. Some people are supposed to be your siblings or your boss or parent. Some are supposed to be your life mate. But you have to figure out where they are supposed to be and then that's the relationship you have to perfect.
M: Heavy.
Z: Very. But the faeries will help you.
I never found out her last name or much about her other than the fact that she's from Australia and that she travels as much as she possibly can. The last thing she said to me was very touching given our conversation. She said, "See ya in another life."