
Thanksgiving redux

So, it seems that I have some sort of tradition of giving myself food poisoning every couple of years. On Thanksgiving Eve, I made some beef curry that turned out to be poisonous. Thursday morning was not a happy day as I eliminated the toxins from my body, but I still limped home to visit family. Thirty hours of sleep has a way of making everything feel better.

Our Turkey Day was on Friday and it seemed so muted and dull. It was as if we weren't thankful for mom's successful radiation treatment. It felt like it wasn't a holiday at all. Perhaps I remember Thanksgivings more dramatically than they were.

Prior to the meal, however, I still had an idea of what I was thankful for. I am thankful that God has a plan. Building this ship of life on a sinking plank may be bad, but at least I know there's a current under there somewhere.

I usually come away from family holidays depressed and sick of my family, but this time I feel better. I feel energized and ready for the next challenge to overcome.
I hear it, a whisper
ed secret for me
I can't tell
you what it is
because it's mine
I can tell
you it makes me

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