

I bought a dry erase board. It's 2'×3' or 3'×2'. I have it mounted to the wall and 4 different colors of markers. It sat, blank, for a couple of days because I was trying to think about how to use the space. I did much searching on teh interweb, to no avail. So, here is what I came up with:

4 columns: calendar, todo, Today, and Tomorrow The calendar is really just a list of dates and events that I'd like to be a part of. The todo isn't a list, it's a collection of single words (with rare doubles) that are topics for me to complete. Example: "Room" means clean my room, put stuff up on the walls, and reduce my clothes collection. Today and Tomorrow are true lists that are sometimes in order of importance. They are the lists of the things that I must do each day in order to count it as a success. I usually pull from todo and use them to fill up Today and Tomorrow with the occasional calendar event filling in. I try to do my planning before bed, much like the August trip, so that the next day can be focused on what I have to do.

On a completely different note, since I can't find my card reader so that I can post the picture I just took of the dry erase board, I like candy. Yum, candy. South Africa was great for candy but something unexpected happened; I fell out of love with TopDeck. Don't get me wrong, it's fantastic. However, I've found someone else. Cadbury Eclairs are, in a word, 'Carmel with a chocolatey centre'. (I dare not speak the name of unchLay arBay lest evil spirit arise from the pit of my stomach to murder me and those around me.)

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