Tessa told me once that I was very interesting and that I have lots of interesting stories. She said that she was not interesting and that she had only boring stories.
I think that's a load of crap.
Maybe I know how to tell a story. Maybe I embellish a little here and there. Maybe I go places and do things that other have not. However, I've always thought that I didn't really have any crazy stories to tell. I've always done that action which seemed necessary at the time. That's how I got to Moldova. That's how I got robbed there. That's how I got to South Africa both times. That's how my relationships have been. I'm not really doing a lot of planning ahead. I'm not looking for the crazy story. I don't really try that hard. I feel pretty mediocre.
So, it comes down to this: either we're all mediocre or we're all interesting. I think that I'm mediocre, but nearly everyone I meet I find to be interesting. Which leads me to believe that I might be interesting as well. Thus, we are all interesting. However, it could be that I'm so mediocre that I find these other mediocre people interesting. Which would lead me to conclude that we're all mediocre. That seems unlikely. It is my belief that we are all interesting just as it is the case that we all have psychoses. In some people it is easier to see than in others.
Thank you for airing my personal psychoses, which are so easily seen.
Hey, I didn't go into your psychoses, but I could... : )
You know nothing of my psychoses! I am an enigma that is not to be dissected. Any attempts to do so will be punishable by a barrage of chocolately flavored candies, the foil wrappers of which you will ball up for P-anna. (she loves to play with them!)
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