
My reward for acting like an adult

I've had a full night's sleep. I woke up and took a shower and then cooked food. Afterward I threw in some laundry and took a nap. I awake to find that I've had a dream. My mind must love me because I've been without dreams for a while.

I dreampt that I was eating at Dairy Queen with Rachel and her dad. She was ripping on my hardcore and he wasn't really defending me, but was providing logical escape routes for me to take. The dream reached critical mass when she said, "if you want to prove something, then why don't you quit smoking?" I retorted with, "December 18th. Why do I have to prove myself to anyone?!" After that we got up to pay for the meal. I recall that the ice cream cake was very very good.

It was a very packed dream. Everything, every detail I remember reminds me of something else that seems connected. Examples: The DQ was laid out like BK by Borders. The cake was just like the Pecan pie Lynn's mom at The Gables made.

Before I go, I should explain a little. I am happy that I had a dream. I think that dreams are a sign of sleeping long enough and that they are the mind's way of processing events since the last good sleep. That there were so many symbols and people in my dream only really indicate how far and wide my mind goes in the 5 days that include New Year's Day. As far as "What does it mean?" goes, I think this dream either means nothing or it means something that I can't grasp. Either way, the only sensible thing to do is eat at Dairy Queen.

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